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Teaching Science through Discovery!

Educational Materials Produced by Sophic Pursuits

The founders of Sophic Pursuits are dedicated to developing science education materials for those interested in learning more basic science. As parents who homeschooled their two children, they understand that while there are many curriculum choices available, but not all of those choices meet the needs of the parents, teachers, and students. Sophic Pursuits is trying to provide resources to parents and adults who are working with students in a homeschool, collective school, or science enrichment program. These resources include tools for the instructor as well as for the student. Our instructor resources are designed for the person who feels intimidated by science or has a limited science background, allowing them to learn with the children they are helping. For those with a solid science background, we hope that the laboratory materials will help promote the hands-on discovery process that many programs outside the traditional school system lack.

Need ideas for science enrichment - follow the SophicPursuits Blog here.

High School Education Resources

Sophic Pursuits is looking for 10 families to pilot Discovering Chemistry - A Laboratory Course - Semester 1

Course materials - student and instructor - will be provided to the pilot families free. Additionally, they will have be working with the author to answer questions and improve the materials. If you are interested in piloting the course click here. Please include your name and desired outcome for the course.

Here is a sample of one of the activities in the Student Manual

Student Manual Sample.pdf (PDF — 215 KB)

This laboratory course is designed to accompany any chemistry text or can stand alone. The course is written so that any parent or instructor can us it - whether you have a science background or not. It focuses on basic laboratory skills that the high school student will need for that freshman laboratory in college - measurement techniques, chemical calculations, laboratory note taking, and laboratory reports.  

The chemicals and experiments are designed such that you can use traditional laboratory equipment or items from your kitchen. It comes with an equipment needs list with references about purchasing the required items. 

Sophic Pursuits has worked hard to make this course affordable and the required items should be easily obtained at a local hobby shop, hardware store, grocery store or the internet. A sample laboratory activity - a chemical scavenger hunt - has been posted above. In this activity, the student will be looking for chemical information: name, formula, reactivity information, etc., as well as establishing a laboratory notebook. Instructions for the activity; background information about chemicals and chemical formulas; and information about setting up a laboratory notebook are included as part of the laboratory.

The laboratory course includes:

  • A Safety Information Scavenger Hunt
  • A Chemical Information Scavenger Hunt
  • Accuracy and Precision
  • Measurement
  • Density
  • Physical Properties and States of Matter
  • Moles, Molecular Weight, and Molarity
  • Freeze Point Depression
  • Writing a Laboratory Report
  • Exploring Solubility
  • Precipitation Reactions and Yield
  • Exploring Chemical Reactions
  • Putting It All Together to Determine an Unknown

If you are interested in purchasing the program, feel free to contact us and we will provide you with more details as to the release date (initial draft will be ready for this fall semester). It is currently anticipated that the student manual will retail for $ 34.95 in printed form and $ 24.95 as a downloadable PDF.  

General Science Education Resources

Now available in a downloadable PDF. To purchase the downloadable PDF.

A Kindle and hardcopy versions have now been released through - for hard copy click here

Now available - A book by Kelly Hanson. Want to learn about the farm? This is a full color book targeted for upper elementary students. It is available via or here.

Resources for Everyone - Continuing Education, Supplemental, Teacher Resources

To see more resources click here.

Resources for Everyone - Continuing Education, Supplemental, Teacher Resources

                      To see more resources click here.

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